Research :

Members are willing to undertake local research.

To Download the Research Request Form (PDF) right click on the link and select Save Target As... then save it to any directory on your hard drive you wish.

Costs : $ 15.00 per enquiry ( includes research for One Hour ) plus $15.00 per hour for any additional research.

Payment : In advance in $ AUD. (N.B. we do not have Credit Card facilities -  Cheque or Money Orders payments only, Thank You!)

Experienced in researching unusual names, e.g. Norsworthy, Vitnell, Brown, Cathro, Lomax, Pegus, Vial and Burman.

If you wish you can e-mail the group, and ask if a particular Person, or Family, lived or still lives in the District. We will respond to your query, whether it is Yes or No, please include your postal address, as your email will be published in the group's journal for all our members to see and they may wish to reply themselves. If you do want a formal search, you will have to send it via normal post with appropriate payment, and a Self Addressed Envelope.